(Parent And Toddler Club at Higherland)
Tuesdays [during term-time] 9.15am –
PATCH has fully resumed and because Covid infections are still circulating we ask that you do not attend if yourself or your child has any of the recognised Covid symptoms, in order to stay safe and keep the playgroup and other activities open.
Thank you for your understanding.
PATCH (Parent And Toddler Club at Higherland) is open every Tuesday during school term time 9.15am – 11.15am for children 0-4 years and their parents and carers.
The cost is £1.50 per adult per session.
PATCH is run by volunteer helpers who are all members of Higherland Methodist Church. The leaders all have a current DBS certificate.
We like to divide the 2 hour play session by running a craft activity based on a topical theme which the children and carers can participate in.
Towards the end of the session we like to gather on the carpet for a story followed by songs and nursery rhymes.
A typical timetable for PATCH is as follows;
9.15 Open – toys out for children to play
9.45 Craft activity for children who want to take part
10.15 Tea/coffee and biscuits for adults. (All adult drinks served in lidded cups.)
Squash/water and fruit/biscuits for children
10.55 Tidy away
11.00 Story and singing
11.15 Home time
We always offer a warm welcome to everyone whatever their age, relationship to the child, culture, religious background, colour, gender or disability. We provide a safe and happy environment for the team to work with parents, carers and children and we are committed to following government guidelines on safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. This includes good working practice and safe recruitment of all.
We hope that we create an environment where friendships can be made among our group members.
We have a wide range of toys and activities which are appealing to the children and we ensure that they are suitable for the target age group.
We serve healthy snacks during the morning, alongside toast or biscuits, and adults and children are also offered a drink during their time with the group.
Our Toddler Group has been running since January 2016. We have a number of regular attenders, but we would love to have more members, and offer a warm welcome to anyone coming for the first time.
All photographs must have parental permissions beforehand, and those included here are also by permission.